disaster story

2657 days ago

Fitbug placing - how the spivs of the AIM Cesspit operate

Today AIM listed serial disaster story and cash guzzler Fitbug (FITB) has announced that it has raised £1 million at 0.2p. The shares have crashed to 0.19-0.2p on the news ( a fall of 26%) but if one looks at the trades you see the sordid underbelly of the AIM Cesspit in full play.


2854 days ago

Ouzo O'Clock - Avanti Communications crashes as I predicted

Look back at our coverage of satellite disaster story and serial issuer of fascistic lawyers letters Avanti Communications (AVN) you cannot say that we did not stand up to bambastic bully boy CEO David Williams and warn you. Today there has been a pre close trading statement, the shares have crashed by 60% to just 24p and the Fat Lady is starting to gargle. My father & I will crack open the ouzo early today.


2967 days ago

Value Trasher Edi Truell quits Tungsten as his hare brained ideas rejected - the shares are still a sell

Edi Truell, the founder of Tungsten (TUNG) has today quit the cash guzzling disaster story following the board rejecting his latest hare brained corpororate proposals. Mad Edi stepped down as CEO last July ago but remained, until today, as a NED. Does this make the shares more or less attractive?
